James Van Loon joined his wife Evangeline
Amongst the stars from whose dust they were made.
Now reunited they explore the fields of Elysium.
Together as they had almost always been.
They gaze down upon their children
Sandra (Richard) Wilson, Nathan (Ella) Van Loon, and Christopher (Thu Ha) Van Loon
And their grandchildren
Lucas, Samantha, Connor, Angela, and Jessica
Charles, Oliver and Gorden
Ha Nhi, and new baby Katherine
with contentment, peace and love
From the heavens they reach
One final time
To bless us all, family and friends
And to whom all they ever met.
They wish us well upon life's journey
Hoping they made everyone's life
A little easier,
Difficult paths a little more gentle
And burdens a little lighter upon the way.
Services at: First Universalist Church
150 Clinton Avenue S.
Rochester, NY 14604
Friday, December 22nd, 2017 at 1 p.m.