A devoted and beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, and Daughter departed in peace to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on Monday, December 3, 2018 at age 89.
Josephine enjoyed a long career at Eastman Kodak Company and retired from Photo Tech Division. Following her retirement, she owned her own clothing consignment shop, "the Wise Shopper", traveled widely with her husband, and devoted significant time to Christian missions work. In addition to performing with her sister in her early years, and being offered the opportunity to become a member of the "June Taylor Dancers, she shared her love of music (dancing and singing) with her family and others, providing dance instruction and holding recitals for her students. She loved spending time with family, and made family the priority and investment of her life. She was an active and loving member of her church community and was known for her lovely smile, sweet spirit, and ability to run a media lending library and lead women's bible studies.
She is predeceased by her daughter, Karen Tosti; daughter-in-law, Nereida Wyse; sister, Gladys Curatalo. Survived by her loving husband of 69 years, Peter J. Wyse; sons, Steven (Anna Grammenopoulos) Wyse of FL., Peter C. Wyse, Joseph (Tina) Wyse; son-in-law, Jerry Tosti, daughters, Susan Lane of NC and Deanne Rollo; grandchildren, Katherine Tosti, Matthew (Veronica) Wyse, Katie (Mike) Pagano, Chris (Kerry) Lane, Mark (Amy) Lane, Tabitha (Chris) Cropsey, Samantha (Thomas) Addison, Rebecca (Peter) Richard; many great grandchildren.