Surrounded by those who adored her most, Kathryn Elizabeth Diemer gained her wings on Friday, January 12, 2018 in Rochester, NY.
She was preceded in death by her father John "Sweetpotatoes" Diemer and is survived by her mother and step-father, Karlene "Mommalutz" and Dan Comiskey of Ijamsville, MD; her sister, Tricia "Beeps" Diemer of Rochester, NY; her brother John-Christian "Johnny-Cakes" Diemer of Brooklyn, NY; her 5 step-brothers and sisters; her five nieces and nephews (whom she adored); her partner-in-crime, Stephen Rae of Rochester, NY; and her loyal companion, Ein the Dog!
Best known for her gorgeous red-hair, infectious smile, and hilarious sense of humor, Kathryn (a/k/a "Moo" to her family) left a mark on all those who were lucky enough to cross her path. Her beauty was matched by her intelligence, her quick wit, her kindness, her empathy, and her love of her family and friends. And most importantly, she never met a dog she didn't love!
This passionate gypsy with a wanderlust spirit, started her journey in Brooklyn, NY on November 21, 1977. During her 40 years exploring the earth, she called London, Washington DC, Hoboken, NJ, Belfast, Melbourne, FL and finally Rochester, NY, her home.
She was fun. She was progressive. She was a ruthless Facebook political debater. She was wacky. She was a creative writer and an avid reader. She was a would-be actress. She was a 'moolery' designer. She was a beloved sister. She was an adored daughter. She was the BEST Aunt Moo! She was cherished by her aunts, uncles and cousins (both 'fake' and real). She was a sweetheart to all and generous to a fault. She was unconventional. She was a firecracker. She was a friend of Bill's and above all else….SHE WAS LOVED!
A celebration of her life will be held at Newcomer Funeral Home located at 6 Empire Blvd, Rochester, NY on January 20th between 2 and 6 pm.
A second celebration of her life will be held at the Catholic Club on February 17th in Breezy Point, Queens, NY with additional details to follow.
Come and tell us your stories. Feel free to wear colors as bright and bold as she was! Bring mementos or photos to display that remind you of her. For any tears shed, you must promise to provide the same amounts of laughs. She loved all of your children, so know that they are welcome to be part of our gathering.
If you own a 'moolery bracelet', please wear it. If not, one will be provided for you.
In lieu of flowers, PLEASE consider becoming an organ donor or make a contribution to your favorite animal shelter. Better yet, do something kind for a complete stranger.