Melinda L Carde
Memorial celebration: Saturday, January 14th from 2-4 PM at New Comer on Ridgeway Avenue in Greece.
Melinda Lee Carde, "Mindy", passed the morning of January 2nd 2017, 12 days after her 55th birthday. She was pain free, not alone and ready to rest. Mindy was predeceased by her husband Stanford and her parents Marilyn and Gordon Riddick. She is survived by her daughter Jordyn, her brother Marc Riddick and many cousins, nieces, nephews and friends.
Mindy was born, raised and lived in Rochester most of her life. She is beloved by everyone who became close to her. Mindy possessed a beautiful singing voice which many of us were fortunate enough to hear over the years. The latter half of her life was given to caring for others. Her daughter Jordyn was her primary mission in life. Mindy was her window on the world. Her love and care for Jordyn was relentless despite a huge physical toll. At the same time, Mindy cared for other children while working at the city school district as a nurse's aide. Her concern for others, even those she hardly knew, was always evident and she always seemed to find a way to act upon it.
A memorial celebration will be held Saturday the 14th of January from 2-4 PM at New Comer Funeral Home, 2636 Ridgeway Avenue, Rochester NY 14626.
In the spirit of Mindy's nature and wishes the memorial celebration will be an informal gathering offering everyone an opportunity to share stories, thoughts, pictures and videos. Please feel free to bring any and all of the above in whatever format you'd care to share them.
Of course, there will be heartfelt words and tears - the bagpipes playing Amazing Grace is a good bet for what our Dad called the "waterworks". But Mindy was all about smiles and shining through whether it was good times or tough times. So please wear colorful clothes and feel good about having some laughs and smiles.
As Mindy would say about dark clothes and sad faces, "Who needs that crap?". Uncontrollable laughter at funerals/wakes runs in our family so this should work out fine.
Oh, and no flowers please. We will get the word out about memorial donations to benefit Jordyn once we get that figured out.
Peace & Love